Turns out - judging by the photo I took on Sunday - half a day of sun seems to be enough so far. Behold, my first little truss of tomatoes!
I had planned to eat my first serving of home-grown "marties" with a drizzle of olive oil, a pinch of salt and some homegrown basil - which I thought would be a cinch to grow - but alas, I'm not sure the basil is going to make it. It appears to be suffering from blight and wilt, (I have yet to further explore this self-assessed diagnosis) and thus I'm not sure it's going to make it onto the plate. I figure, though, that this is what gardening is about; having a dream (enjoying a meal picked from the balcony garden), taking a risk, celebrating the successes and learning from the challenges.
I'll be researching the care and nurture of basil in my spare moments, but if you have any advice on bringing the little fellas back from the brink, I'm all ears.